Register a Rust Function for Use in Rhai Scripts

Rhai’s scripting engine is very lightweight. It gets most of its abilities from functions.

To call these functions, they need to be registered via Engine::register_fn or Engine::register_result_fn (see fallible functions).

Functions registered with the [`Engine`] can be _overloaded_ as long as the _signature_ is unique,
i.e. different functions can have the same name as long as their parameters are of different types
or different numbers (i.e. _arity_).

New definitions _overwrite_ previous definitions of the same name, same arity and same parameter types.
use rhai::{Dynamic, Engine, ImmutableString};

// Normal function that returns a standard type
// Remember to use 'ImmutableString' and not 'String'
fn add_len(x: i64, s: ImmutableString) -> i64 {
    x + s.len()
// Alternatively, '&str' maps directly to 'ImmutableString'
fn add_len_count(x: i64, s: &str, c: i64) -> i64 {
    x + s.len() * c
// Function that returns a 'Dynamic' value
fn get_any_value() -> Dynamic {
    42_i64.into()                       // standard types can use '.into()'

let mut engine = Engine::new();

engine.register_fn("add", add_len)
      .register_fn("add", add_len_count)
      .register_fn("add", get_any_value)
      .register_fn("inc", |x: i64| {    // closure is also OK!
          x + 1
      .register_fn("log", |label: &str, x: i64| {
          println!("{} = {}", label, x);

let result = engine.eval::<i64>(r#"add(40, "xx")"#)?;

println!("Answer: {}", result);         // prints 42

let result = engine.eval::<i64>(r#"add(40, "x", 2)"#)?;

println!("Answer: {}", result);         // prints 42

let result = engine.eval::<i64>("add()")?;

println!("Answer: {}", result);         // prints 42

let result = engine.eval::<i64>("inc(41)")?;

println!("Answer: {}", result);         // prints 42"log("value", 42)"#)?;     // prints "value = 42"

It is common for short functions to be registered via a _closure_.

engine.register_fn("foo", |x: i64, y: bool| ...);

To create a [`Dynamic`] value, use `Dynamic::from`.

[Standard types] in Rhai can also use `.into()`.

use rhai::Dynamic;

let obj = TestStruct::new();

let x = Dynamic::from(obj);

// '.into()' works for standard types

let x = 42_i64.into();

let y = "hello!".into();