
If the first parameter of a function is of type rhai::NativeCallContext, then it is treated specially by the Engine.

NativeCallContext is a type that encapsulates the current call context of a Rust function call and exposes the following.

MethodReturn typeDescription
engine()&Enginethe current Engine, with all configurations and settings.
This is sometimes useful for calling a script-defined function within the same evaluation context using Engine::call_fn, or calling a function pointer.
fn_name()&strname of the function called (useful when the same Rust function is mapped to multiple Rhai-callable function names)
source()Option<&str>reference to the current source, if any
position()Positionposition of the function call
call_level()usizethe current nesting level of function calls
tag()&Dynamicreference to the custom state that is persistent during the current run
iter_imports()impl Iterator<Item = (&str,&Module)>iterator of the current stack of modules imported via import statements, in reverse order (i.e. later modules come first)
global_runtime_state()&GlobalRuntimeStatereference to the current global runtime state (including the stack of modules imported via import statements); requires the internals feature
iter_namespaces()impl Iterator<Item =&Module>iterator of the namespaces (as modules) containing all script-defined functions, in reverse order (i.e. later modules come first)
namespaces()&[&Module]reference to the namespaces (as modules) containing all script-defined functions; requires the internals feature
call_fn()Result<T, Box<EvalAltResult>>call a function with the supplied arguments, casting the result into the required type
call_fn_raw()Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>>call a function with the supplied arguments; this is an advanced method

The native call context is useful for protecting a function from malicious scripts.

use rhai::{Array, NativeCallContext, EvalAltResult, Position};

// This function builds an array of arbitrary size, but is protected
// against attacks by first checking with the allowed limit set
// into the 'Engine'.
pub fn grow(context: NativeCallContext, size: i64) -> Result<Array, Box<EvalAltResult>>
    // Make sure the function does not generate a
    // data structure larger than the allowed limit
    // for the Engine!
    if size as usize > context.engine().max_array_size() {
        return Err(EvalAltResult::ErrorDataTooLarge(
            "Size to grow".to_string(),
            size as usize,

    let array = Array::new();

    for x in 0..size {


The _native call context_ can be used to call a [function] within the current evaluation
via `call_fn`.

use rhai::{Engine, NativeCallContext};

let mut engine = Engine::new();

// A function expecting a callback in form of a function pointer.
fn super_call(context: NativeCallContext, value: i64) -> Result<i64, Box<EvalAltResult>>
    // Use 'call_fn' to call a function within the current evaluation!
    context.call_fn("double", (value,))
    //                        ^^^^^^^^ arguments passed in tuple

engine.register_result_fn("super_call", super_call);

The _native call context_ can be used to call a [function pointer] or [closure] that has been passed
as a parameter to the function (via `FnPtr::call_with_context`), thereby implementing a _callback_.

use rhai::{Dynamic, FnPtr, NativeCallContext, EvalAltResult};

pub fn greet(context: NativeCallContext, callback: FnPtr) -> Result<String, Box<EvalAltResult>>
    // Call the callback closure with the current evaluation context!
    let name = callback.call_within_context(&context, ())?;
    Ok(format!("hello, {}!", name))