Hot Reloading
* A system where scripts are used for behavioral control.
* All or parts of the control scripts need to be modified dynamically without re-initializing the
host system.
* New scripts must be active as soon as possible after modifications are detected.
* The Rhai [`Engine`] is _re-entrant_, meaning that it is decoupled from scripts.
* A new script only needs to be recompiled and the new [`AST`] replaces the old for new behaviors
to be active.
* Surgically _patch_ scripts when only parts of the scripts are modified.
Embed scripting engine and script into system
Say, a system has a Rhai Engine
plus a compiled script (in AST
form), with the AST
with interior mutability…
// Main system object
struct System {
engine: Engine,
script: Rc<RefCell<AST>>,
// Embed Rhai 'Engine' and control script
let engine = Engine::new();
let ast = engine.compile_file("config.rhai")?;
let mut system = System { engine, script: Rc::new(RefCell::new(ast)) };
// Handle events with script functions
system.on_event(|sys: &System, event: &str, data: Map| {
let mut scope = Scope::new();
// Call script function which is the same name as the event
sys.engine.call_fn(&mut scope, sys.script.borrow(), event, (data,)).unwrap();
Hot reload entire script upon change
If the control scripts are small enough and changes are infrequent, it is much simpler just to
recompile the whole set of script and replace the original AST
with the new one.
// Watch for script file change|sys: &System, file: &str| {
// Compile the new script
let ast = sys.engine.compile_file(file.into())?;
// Hot reload - just replace the old script!
*sys.script.borrow_mut() = ast;
Hot patch specific functions
If the control scripts are large and complicated, and if the system can detect changes to specific functions, it is also possible to patch just the changed functions.
// Watch for changes in the script
system.watch_for_script_change(|sys: &mut System, fn_name: &str| {
// Get the script file that contains the function
let script = get_script_file_path(fn_name);
// Compile the new script
let mut patch_ast = sys.engine.compile_file(script)?;
// Remove everything other than the specified function
patch_ast.retain_functions(|_, _, name, _| name == fn_name);
// Hot reload (via +=) only those functions in the script!
*sys.script.borrow_mut() += patch_ast;
For a multi-threaded environments, replace `Rc` with `Arc`, `RefCell` with `RwLock` or `Mutex`, and
turn on the [`sync`] feature.