Working With Rust Enums
Rust enum variants are not considered separate types.
Although Rhai integrates fine with Rust enums (treated transparently as [custom types]),
it is impossible (short of registering a complete API) to distinguish between individual
variants and to extract internal data from them.
Enums in Rust can hold data and are typically used with pattern matching.
Unlike Rust, Rhai does not have built-in pattern matching capabilities, so working with enum variants that contain embedded data is not an easy proposition.
Since Rhai is dynamic and variables can hold any type of data, they are essentially enums by nature.
Multiple distinct types can be stored in a single Dynamic
without merging them into an enum
as variants.
This section outlines a number of possible solutions to work with Rust enums.
Simulate an Enum API
A plugin module is extremely handy in creating an entire API for a custom enum type.
use rhai::plugin::*;
use rhai::{Dynamic, Engine, EvalAltResult};
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Hash)]
enum MyEnum {
Baz(String, bool),
// Create a plugin module with functions constructing the 'MyEnum' variants
mod MyEnumModule {
// Constructors for 'MyEnum' variants
pub const Foo: &MyEnum = MyEnum::Foo;
pub fn Bar(value: i64) -> MyEnum { MyEnum::Bar(value) }
pub fn Baz(val1: String, val2: bool) -> MyEnum { MyEnum::Baz(val1, val2) }
// Access to fields
#[rhai_fn(global, get = "enum_type", pure)]
pub fn get_type(my_enum: &mut MyEnum) -> String {
match my_enum {
MyEnum::Foo => "Foo".to_string(),
MyEnum::Bar(_) => "Bar".to_string(),
MyEnum::Baz(_, _) => "Baz".to_string(),
#[rhai_fn(global, get = "field_0", pure)]
pub fn get_field_0(my_enum: &mut MyEnum) -> Dynamic {
match my_enum {
MyEnum::Foo => Dynamic::UNIT,
MyEnum::Bar(x) => Dynamic::from(x),
MyEnum::Baz(x, _) => Dynamic::from(x),
#[rhai_fn(global, get = "field_1", pure)]
pub fn get_field_1(my_enum: &mut MyEnum) -> Dynamic {
match my_enum {
MyEnum::Foo | MyEnum::Bar(_) => Dynamic::UNIT,
MyEnum::Baz(_, x) => Dynamic::from(x),
// Printing
#[rhai_fn(global, name = "to_string", name = "to_debug", pure)]
pub fn to_string(my_enum: &mut MyEnum) -> String {
format!("{:?}", my_enum)
// '==' and '!=' operators
#[rhai_fn(global, name = "==", pure)]
pub fn eq(my_enum: &mut MyEnum, my_enum2: MyEnum) -> bool {
my_enum == &my_enum2
#[rhai_fn(global, name = "!=", pure)]
pub fn neq(my_enum: &mut MyEnum, my_enum2: MyEnum) -> bool {
my_enum != &my_enum2
let mut engine = Engine::new();
// Load the module as the module namespace "MyEnum"
.register_static_module("MyEnum", exported_module!(MyEnumModule).into());
With this API in place, working with enums feels almost the same as in Rust:
let x = MyEnum::Foo;
let y = MyEnum::Bar(42);
let z = MyEnum::Baz("hello", true);
x == MyEnum::Foo;
y != MyEnum::Bar(0);
// Detect enum types
x.enum_type == "Foo";
y.enum_type == "Bar";
z.enum_type == "Baz";
// Extract enum fields
y.field_0 == 42;
y.field_1 == ();
z.field_0 == "hello";
z.field_1 == true;
Since enums are internally treated as custom types, they are not literals and cannot be used as
a match case in switch
statements. This is quite a limitation because the equivalent match
statement is commonly used in Rust to work with enums and bind variables to variant-internal data.
It is possible, however, to switch
through enum variants based on their types:
switch my_enum.enum_type {
"Foo" => ...,
"Bar" => {
let value = foo.field_0;
"Baz" => {
let val1 = foo.field_0;
let val2 = foo.field_1;
Use switch
Through Arrays
Another way to work with Rust enums in a switch
statement is through exposing the internal data
(or at least those that act as effective discriminants) of each enum variant as a variable-length
array, usually with the name of the variant as the first item for convenience:
use rhai::Array;
engine.register_get("enum_data", |my_enum: &mut MyEnum| {
match my_enum {
MyEnum::Foo => vec![ "Foo".into() ] as Array,
// Say, skip the data field because it is not
// used as a discriminant
MyEnum::Bar(value) => vec![ "Bar".into() ] as Array,
// Say, all fields act as discriminants
MyEnum::Baz(val1, val2) => vec![
"Baz".into(), val1.clone().into(), (*val2).into()
] as Array
Then it is a simple matter to match an enum via a switch
// Assume 'value' = 'MyEnum::Baz("hello", true)'
// 'enum_data' creates a variable-length array with 'MyEnum' data
let x = switch value.enum_data {
["Foo"] => 1,
["Bar"] => value.field_1,
["Baz", "hello", false] => 4,
["Baz", "hello", true] => 5,
_ => 9
x == 5;
// Which is essentially the same as:
let x = switch [value.type, value.field_0, value.field_1] {
["Foo", (), ()] => 1,
["Bar", 42, ()] => 42,
["Bar", 123, ()] => 123,
["Baz", "hello", false] => 4,
["Baz", "hello", true] => 5,
_ => 9
Usually, a helper method returns an array of values that can uniquely determine the switch
based on actual usage requirements – which means that it probably skips fields that contain
data instead of discriminants.
Then switch
is used to very quickly match through a large number of array shapes and jump to the
appropriate case implementation.
Data fields can then be extracted from the enum independently.