Your First Script in Rhai

Run a Script

To get going with Rhai is as simple as creating an instance of the scripting engine rhai::Engine via Engine::new, then calling Engine::run.

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};

pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>>
//                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                          Rhai API error type
    // Create an 'Engine'
    let engine = Engine::new();

    // Your first Rhai Script
    let script = "print(40 + 2);";

    // Run the script - prints "42";

    // Done!

Get a Return Value

To return a value from the script, use Engine::eval instead.

use rhai::{Engine, EvalAltResult};

pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box<EvalAltResult>>
    let engine = Engine::new();

    let result = engine.eval::<i64>("40 + 2")?;
    //                      ^^^^^^^ required: cast the result to a type

    println!("Answer: {}", result);             // prints 42


Use Script Files

Rhai script files are customarily named with extension `.rhai`.

Or evaluate a script file directly with Engine::run_file or Engine::eval_file.

Loading and running script files is not available for no_std or WASM builds.

let result = engine.eval_file::<i64>("hello_world.rhai".into())?;
//                                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
//                                   a 'PathBuf' is needed

// Running a script file also works in a similar manner

On Unix-like systems, the _shebang_ (`#!`) is used at the very beginning of a script file to mark a
script with an interpreter (for Rhai this would be [`rhai-run`]({{rootUrl}}/start/

If a script file starts with `#!`, the entire first line is skipped by `Engine::compile_file` and
`Engine::eval_file`. Because of this, Rhai scripts with shebangs at the beginning need no special processing.

This behavior is also present for non-Unix (e.g. Windows) environments so scripts are portable.


// This is a Rhai script

let answer = 42;
print(`The answer is: ${answer}`);

Specify the Return Type

Use [`Dynamic`] if you're uncertain of the return type.

The type parameter for Engine::eval is used to specify the type of the return value, which must match the actual type or an error is returned. Rhai is very strict here.

There are two ways to specify the return type: turbofish notation, or type inference.


let result = engine.eval::<i64>("40 + 2")?;     // return type is i64<i64>() == true;

let result = engine.eval::<Dynamic>("boo()")?;  // use 'Dynamic' if you're not sure what type it'll be!

let result = engine.eval::<String>("40 + 2")?;  // returns an error because the actual return type is i64, not String

Type inference

let result: i64 = engine.eval("40 + 2")?;       // return type is inferred to be i64<i64>() == true;

let result: Dynamic = engine.eval("boo()")?;    // use 'Dynamic' if you're not sure what type it'll be!

let result: String = engine.eval("40 + 2")?;    // returns an error because the actual return type is i64, not String