Built-in Operators

The following operators are built-in, meaning that they are always available, even when using a raw Engine.

All built-in operators are binary, and are supported for both operands of the same type.

OperatorsAssignment operatorsSupported types
(see standard types)
-, *, /, %, **,-=, *=, /=, %=, **=
<<, >><<=, >>=
  • INT
&, |, ^&=, |=, ^=
  • INT (bit-wise)
  • bool (non-short-circuiting)
&&, ||
  • bool (short-circuits)
==, !=
>, >=, <, <=

`FLOAT` and [`Decimal`][rust_decimal] also inter-operate with `INT`, while [strings] inter-operate
with [characters][string] for certain operators (e.g. `+`).