The type_of
function detects the actual type of a value.
This is useful because all variables are dynamic in nature.
// Use 'type_of()' to get the actual types of values
type_of('c') == "char";
type_of(42) == "i64";
let x = 123;
x.type_of() == "i64"; // method-call style is also OK
type_of(x) == "i64";
x = 99.999;
type_of(x) == "f64";
x = "hello";
if type_of(x) == "string" {
switch type_of(x) {
"string" => do_something_with_string(x),
"char" => do_something_with_char(x),
"i64" => do_something_with_int(x),
"f64" => do_something_with_float(x),
"bool" => do_something_with_bool(x),
_ => throw `I cannot work with ${type_of(x)}!!!`